New Moon in Sagittarius & Your Path to Spiritual Awakening

Embrace the Adventurous Spirit

by Faith Hunter

Welcome to this enchanting journey as we approach the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12, 2023. Sagittarius, symbolized by the Archer, is known for its fiery energy, thirst for knowledge, and innate desire for exploration. This New Moon offers a unique opportunity to harness these qualities for personal and spiritual growth. As a global wellness expert, I invite you to join me, Faith Hunter, in an online experience where we will delve into the mysteries of this lunar phase.

Key Elements of the New Moon in Sagittarius:

  • Expansion: Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, encourages us to expand our horizons, both spiritually and intellectually.

  • Optimism: This sign's positive energy is perfect for setting intentions that focus on growth, abundance, and success.

  • Adventure: The Archer’s influence inspires us to embark on new journeys and explore uncharted territories within our souls.

Crystals for the New Moon:

  • Amethyst: Enhances intuition and spiritual wisdom.

  • Turquoise: Promotes healing and brings luck.

  • Citrine: Attracts abundance and personal power.

Rituals & Altar Suggestions:

  • Create a Sacred Space: Set up an altar with representations of fire (candles), earth (crystals), air (incense), and water (a small bowl of water).

  • New Moon Ritual: Light a candle, hold your crystals, and meditate on your intentions.

  • Vision Board: Create a vision board that reflects your aspirations and goals for the coming lunar cycle.

Personal Wellness Practices:

  • Yoga: Incorporate poses like Archer's Pose and Warrior III to embody the strength and focus of Sagittarius.

  • Meditation: Practice mindfulness to connect with your inner wisdom and the energy of the New Moon.

  • Breathwork: Use deep breathing techniques to channel the fiery energy of Sagittarius in a grounding way.

affirmations and journal prompts

Three Affirmations for the New Moon in Sagittarius:

  • I embrace new adventures with an open heart and mind.

  • My spirit is limitless; my potential is boundless.

  • I attract abundance, joy, and wisdom into my life.

Three Journal Prompts:

  • What new paths am I ready to explore in my life?

  • How can I expand my horizons and embrace the spirit of adventure?

  • What knowledge or wisdom am I seeking at this moment?

Join the New Moon in Sagittarius FREE Online Experience: As we embrace the energy of this New Moon, I invite you to join me in a special FREE virtual event. Together, we will journey through meditation, journaling, and shared insights to harness the power of this lunar phase. This is your opportunity to connect with a community of like-minded individuals and set powerful intentions for the cycle.


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