Mysteries of the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus

A Journey into Meditative Breathwork and Beyond

by Faith Hunter

We’re dropping deep into the mystical energy of the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus on October 28, 2023. This celestial event is going to ripple through our lives in extraordinary ways. But don't just take my word for it; let's explore this energy together. Additionally, I’ll be sharing affirmations, journal prompts, crystal recommendations, and breathing practices to support you through this transformative time. Don't forget to tune into my YouTube video and join me this Saturday for a transformative Meditative Breathwork: Lunar Eclipse Live Virtual Event on Saturday, Oct 28, 2023. REPLAY is available!

Unveiling the Taurus Lunar Eclipse

Taurus, ruled by Venus, is all about stability, material prosperity, and emotional grounding. When a lunar eclipse occurs in this resilient sign, expect an intensified focus on your financial stability, relationships, and overall emotional well-being. This cosmic occurrence invites us to question, recalibrate, and realign the various structures that make up our lives. Prepare for revelations that can catalyze new directions and possibilities.

Lunar Eclipse Affirmations

  1. I am rooted in the present moment, embracing peace and serenity here and now.

  2. Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health, renewing me daily.

  3. I open my heart to love and connection, knowing I am worthy of meaningful relationships.

  4. My thoughts create my reality; I choose positivity, abundance, and joy.

  5. With every breath, I release the past and welcome new, uplifting energies into my life.

Journal Prompts to Reflect On

  1. What structures in your life need recalibration?

  2. What relationships deserve your attention during this lunar phase? Or do you need to focus on your relationship with yourself?

  3. How do you plan to achieve emotional and financial stability?

Crystals for the Taurus Lunar Eclipse

  • Rose Quartz: Enhances love and emotional wellness. How to Use: Place Rose Quartz near your heart during meditation or wear it as a pendant to harness its love-boosting energies, enhancing emotional wellness and fostering deeper relationships.

  • Green Aventurine: For financial prosperity and good fortune. How to Use: Keep Green Aventurine in your wallet or in the wealth corner of your home to attract financial prosperity and good fortune, making it the perfect crystal for setting your abundance intentions during this lunar phase.

  • Lapis Lazuli: Helps in communication and self-expression. How to Use: Carry Lapis Lazuli in your pocket or set it on your throat chakra while meditating to clear communication blocks and enhance your self-expression, effectively utilizing the energies of the Taurus Lunar Eclipse for personal growth.

Breathwork Practice: Lunar Eclipse Breath

Square/4-Part Breath: Sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through the nose for a count of four, hold for four, exhale for four, and hold the breath out for four. Repeat this for a cycle of four minutes to align your energies with the Taurus Lunar Eclipse.


As we bask in the transformative energy of the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus on October 28, 2023, let's remember that this celestial phenomenon offers not just challenges, but potent opportunities for growth. Equipped with the power of affirmations, journaling, crystal wisdom, and Meditative Breathwork, we are fully prepared to embrace the unfolding journey toward financial abundance, emotional wellness, and holistic well-being. So why go it alone when you can tap into a reservoir of spiritual insight and communal strength? Tune into my YouTube video (see below) and secure your spot in the transformative Meditative Breathwork: Lunar Eclipse Live Virtual Event (REPLAY)this Saturday, October 28, to level up your cosmic voyage.

Until next time, stay Spiritually Fly and be limitless in your pursuit of a life filled with passion and purpose.

See you soon, beautiful souls!


Special Note: Elevate by Faith App Members will receive a private access code to join this public class, and a replay will be uploaded to the app. Check the app for the code and instructions on how to redeem this exclusive offer!



Saturday, October 28, 2023 | 1 PM EST

Drawing upon Faith Hunter's Intuitive Breathwork Approach, this special Meditative Breathwork session is themed around the Lunar Eclipse on October 28, 2023. The practice synergistically blends the merits of focused breathing techniques with the enriching depth of guided meditation. Timed to coincide with this celestial event, this comprehensive session offers you a concrete grounding experience through intentional breathwork, while you submerge into the transformative sphere of meditation.


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