Heart-Soothing Breathing Practice

by Faith Hunter

In times of emotional distress, our breath can become shallow and rapid, reflecting our inner turmoil. This heart-soothing breath practice is designed to calm your mind, soothe your heart, and bring you into a state of peaceful presence.

Steps for the Practice:

  1. Find a Quiet Space:

    • Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. You can sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground, or on a cushion with your legs crossed.

  2. Adopt a Comfortable Posture:

    • Sit upright but relaxed. Rest your hands gently on your knees or in your lap. Close your eyes or lower your gaze to help turn your attention inward.

  3. Focus on Your Heart:

    • Place one hand over your heart. Feel its rhythm and warmth. Acknowledge any emotions present without judgment.

  4. Inhale Slowly:

    • Inhale deeply and slowly through your nose. Imagine drawing calmness and peace into your heart with each inhalation. Count to four as you breathe in, filling your lungs completely.

  5. Hold the Breath:

    • Gently hold your breath for a count of four. Allow the stillness of this moment to seep into your heart and mind.

  6. Exhale Gently:

    • Exhale slowly through your mouth or nose, counting to six. Visualize releasing any tension, worry, or sadness with your breath.

  7. Pause and Reflect:

    • After exhaling, pause for a moment before you inhale again. In this space, acknowledge the feeling of tranquility and relief.

  8. Repeat the Cycle:

    • Continue this breathing pattern for several minutes. With each breath cycle, allow yourself to sink deeper into a state of relaxation and peace.

  9. Closing the Practice:

    • When you feel ready, gently release your hand from your heart and bring your awareness back to your surroundings. Open your eyes slowly and take a moment to appreciate the calmness you’ve cultivated.

This heart-soothing breath practice can be a powerful tool in your healing journey, especially after experiencing emotional abuse. It helps to center your emotions, calms your mind, and reconnects you with the present moment. Incorporate this practice into your daily routine, especially during moments of stress or when you feel overwhelmed by emotions.


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