Full Moon in Leo: A Journey of Radiance and Self-Expression

By Faith Hunter

As we embrace the celestial wonder of the Full Moon in Leo, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in our spiritual journey. The full moon, a time of culmination and reflection, is always a powerful event. But when it shines in the bold and vibrant sign of Leo, it brings an extra layer of intensity and opportunity for growth. In this blog, we will explore the astrological insights of this unique lunar event, delve into a soulful meditation practice (which you can follow along with on my YouTube channel), create an empowering altar, discover the magic of crystals, and invite you to a special Full Moon Yin Yoga practice within the Elevate by Faith App.

Faith Hunter Leo Full Moon

Astrological Insights and Themes

The Full Moon in Leo represents a time to shine in our full glory. Leo, ruled by the Sun, symbolizes self-expression, creativity, and courage. This Full Moon beckons us to step into our power, to honor our unique selves, and to express our truths boldly and lovingly. Themes of leadership, self-confidence, and artistic expression are at the forefront, encouraging us to lead from the heart and share our inner light with the world. The Leo Full Moon is also about finding joy in the present moment, embracing playfulness, and nurturing our inner child.

Meditation Practice

Meditating under the Full Moon in Leo is a powerful way to connect with these themes. I invite you to join me in a guided meditation designed to align your energy with the radiant vibes of this lunar event. You can find this meditation on my YouTube channel, where I lead you through a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. This meditation focuses on heart-opening practices, visualizations of golden light, and affirmations that resonate with Leo's fiery energy. Take this time to sit in stillness, breathe deeply, and allow the moon's energy to fill you with warmth and confidence.

Altar Suggestions

Creating an altar for the Full Moon in Leo can enhance your meditation and yoga practices. Decorate your sacred space with symbols of Leo – think golds, oranges, and reds, reflecting the fiery nature of this sign. Incorporate images of lions, suns, and anything that resonates with royalty and confidence. Add candles to represent the fire element and invite warmth into your practice. Your altar is a physical manifestation of your intentions, so feel free to personalize it with items that hold special meaning to you.

Crystals for the Full Moon in Leo:

  1. Carnelian: This vibrant orange stone is perfect for the Leo Full Moon. Carnelian stimulates creativity, boosts confidence, and helps in expressing one's true self. Place carnelian on your altar or hold it during meditation to tap into its energetic properties.

  2. Tiger's Eye: A stone of protection and power, Tiger's Eye is ideal for harnessing Leo's courageous spirit. It balances the lower chakras, fosters a sense of grounded confidence, and aids in making clear decisions. Incorporate Tiger's Eye into your Full Moon practices by wearing it as jewelry or placing it in your pocket during the day.

How to Use These Crystals: To get the most out of Carnelian and Tiger's Eye during the Full Moon, you can meditate with these stones, holding them in your hands or placing them around you. You can also carry them throughout the day to continuously align with their energy. For an added ritual, try placing them under the moonlight the night before the Full Moon to cleanse and charge them with lunar energy.

Join Me for a Full Moon Yin Yoga Practice: To fully immerse in the energy of the Full Moon in Leo, I warmly invite you to join me for a Yin Yoga practice within the Elevate by Faith App. This special session is designed to align with the Leo Full Moon's themes, focusing on heart-opening poses and nurturing self-expression. In Yin Yoga, we hold poses longer, allowing for a deeper release and connection to our inner selves. It's a perfect complement to Leo's fiery energy, balancing introspection with self-expression.

The Full Moon in Leo is a time to embrace our radiant selves, to connect with our inner fire, and to express our unique voices with confidence and joy. Through meditation, yoga, and the power of crystals, we can harness the energy of this moon to illuminate our paths and inspire our journeys.

Remember, you are powerful, you are radiant, and you have a unique light to share with the world. Join me in celebrating this celestial event and let's elevate our spirits together.


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