Full Moon in Aries

Unleash Your Inner Fire and Harness for Spiritual Growth

by Faith Hunter

Hello beautiful souls! The Full Moon is always a magical time, but the upcoming Full Moon in Aries on September 29, 2023, at 4:58am CST, holds unique power for personal growth, spiritual elevation, and emotional clarity. Let's explore the depths of this celestial event and unveil ways to harness its energy in your life.

Astrological Highlights

Aries, ruled by Mars, is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolizing new beginnings, unbridled energy, and firey magic. This Full Moon is a planetary moment that invites us to embrace our inner warrior and authentically express our true selves.


  • Mars Trine Jupiter: This aspect brings optimism and enhances your ability to take risks in both personal and professional spheres.

  • Moon Square Pluto: A call for emotional transformation. It's time to let go of toxic relationships and emotional baggage.

  • Sun Opposite Moon: This classic Full Moon aspect highlights emotional imbalances and encourages you to align your inner desires with your actions.

Spiritual Practices for Harnessing Full Moon Energy


One of the most potent spiritual practices for this Full Moon is a guided meditation focused on your Solar Plexus Chakra, the center of personal power and self-worth. Visualize a golden flame glowing in this region, fuelling your intentions for the lunar month ahead. BTW Check out my Full Moon Meditation.


Harness the flaming Aries energy through Pranayama or other breathwork exercises. Try the Kapalbhati or Breath of Fire techniques to awaken your inner fire and eliminate toxins.

Altar Setting

Create a sacred space or altar featuring elements like yellow candles for fire and a bowl of water for emotional balance. Incorporate crystals like carnelian, citrine, and red jasper to magnify lunar energy.

Rituals for Releasing and Letting Go

Write down emotional baggage or limiting beliefs on a piece of paper, then safely burn it in a fireproof bowl. As it burns, visualize the release of your constraints.

5 Powerful Affirmations

  • "I am fearless in the pursuit of what sets my soul on fire."

  • "I release what no longer serves me and embrace new possibilities."

  • "I am confident, strong, and in control of my destiny."

  • "I honor my feelings and trust my intuition."

  • "I am worthy of love, abundance, and success."

5 Introspective Journal Prompts

  • What new beginnings are you craving, and what steps can you take to initiate them?

  • How can you channel the assertive Aries energy to improve your self-confidence?

  • What emotional baggage do you need to release to make room for new experiences?

  • What aspects of your life require courage and how can you manifest it?

  • What affirmations resonate most with you and why?

The Full Moon in Aries is more than a celestial event; it's a potent spiritual catalyst that enables us to dive deep into self-exploration, manifest our desires, and achieve emotional clarity. Take this time to engage in practices that empower you, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Remember, you are the master of your destiny, and the stars are here to guide you.

Until next time, stay Spiritually Fly!!


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